Pubblicato da Mariano Paesani

giovedì 2 agosto 2007

Rassegna stampa 01 - 02 agosto 2007

La rassegna stampa del mondo dell’ospitalità 01 – 02 agosto 2007

(Hotels, ADV, Istituzioni,Trasporti, Associazioni, Normative e Leggi)

Turismo, il rinnovo del contratto 'Un segnale diretto a favorire la crescita professionale'

Per le aziende del settore, sostiene Assoturismo Confesercenti, costituisce un ulteriore aggravio di costi in un momento di crisi

“Si tratta di un contratto giunto dopo lunghi mesi di trattative - hanno affermato Marco Venturi, presidente nazionale di Confesercenti e Claudio Albonetti, presidente nazionale di Assoturismo, in rappresentanza delle oltre 50mila imprese del settore turismo di Confesercenti - che vuole comunque venire incontro alle aspettative ed alle richieste dei lavoratori nonostante la stagione turistica non si presenti sotto i migliori auspici in termini di presenze e di fatturato per le piccole e medie imprese del settore. Per le aziende del settore, sostiene Assoturismo Confesercenti, questo accordo costituisce un ulteriore aggravio di costi in un momento di crisi, ma che abbiamo voluto sottoscrivere per lanciare un segnale diretto a favorire la crescita professionale assicurando la permanenza, in un comparto che presenta ancora margini di crescita occupazionale notevole, con buone prospettive di inserimento per i giovani”.

Il brand Rocco Forte Hotels diventa The Rocco Forte Collection

Dal 31 luglio

Il brand Rocco Forte Hotels dal 31 Luglio si è trasformato in The Rocco Forte Collection. In soli 10 anni la Rocco Forte ha creato una collezione di hotel di lusso formata da 9 (a breve 14) alberghi nelle principali città europee.

Turismo, attualmente esistono tre diversi contratti di lavoro

Riconducibili ai diversi sistemi di rappresentanza: Assoturismo, Confturismo e Federturismo

In una nota informativa in merito ai contratti di lavoro per i lavoratori delle imprese del turismo, Federturismo Confindustria sottolinea che: "Con riferimento alle notizie pubblicate dai media nei giorni scorsi riguardanti il contratto di lavoro del turismo ed alle richieste pervenuteci di commentarlo richiamiamo l’attenzione dei colleghi giornalisti sul fatto che attualmente esistono tre diversi contratti di lavoro riconducibili ai diversi sistemi di rappresentanza: Assoturismo, Confturismo e Federturismo. Si segnala che la trattativa per il Ccnl unico per il turismo del sistema Confindustria è in corso, con l’obiettivo della condivisione tra le parti sociali di regole per l’utilizzo innovativo delle risorse umane che sono centrali per l’industria del turismo".

Fiera Roma ed Expocts costituiranno una joint venture

Per organizzare un'edizione romana di Hotel Emotion

In arrivo Hotel Emotion Roma. Secondo quanto si apprende da Milano Finanza di oggi, Fiera Roma ed Expocts hanno intenzione di costituire una joint venture per organizzare, dall'autunno 2008, un'edizione romana di Hotel Emotion, il settore hotel di Host, salone internazionale dell'ospitalità curato da Expocts.

Il fondo Schroder esce dalla partita Jolly Hotels

Ieri ha venduto ai blocchi la quota al prezzo di 25 euro per azione

Nh Hoteles e i soci di Grande Jolly hanno convinto il fondo Schroder a vendere e ad uscire definitivamente dalla partita Jolly Hotels. Schroder, riporta oggi Finanza & Mercati, non aveva voluto aderire all'Opa lanciata da Grande Jolly e ieri ha venduto ai blocchi la quota al prezzo di 25 euro per azione, lo stesso fissato per l'offerta pubblica. Grande Jolly, società che controlla Jolly Hotels, ha acquistato ai blocchi 2.384.676 azioni della sua controllata, corrispondenti all'11,923% del capitale sociale della stessa al prezzo di 25 euro cadauna. A seguito di questo acquisto, Grande Jolly detiene ora complessive 18.367.550 azioni Jolly Hotels, pari al 91,838% del capitale sociale di quest'ultima. Ora si deciderà se procedere all'Opa residuale o alla fusione per incorporazione di Jolly Hotels in Grande Jolly.

Enit-Agenzia, continua la crescita degli Usa

Tra i mercati emergenti l’India ed il Brasile, forte di una ripresa economica

Accanto ai Paesi europei, secondo quanto emerso dai monitoraggi dell'Enit-Agenzia, la domanda turistica estera comprende sempre più ospiti di Paesi nuovi, dall’America latina e dall’Estremo Oriente, accanto ai tradizionali bacini.

Gli Usa continuano nelle loro robusta crescita con un incremento stimato, anche per l’anno in corso, del 12%; il Giappone si ripresenta prepotentemente sul mercato con incrementi a due cifre, dopo anni di difficoltà.

Fra i mercati emergenti l’India si impone sempre più grazie a tassi di crescita elevati (+15-25% delle vendite) ed il Brasile, forte di una ripresa economica, si affaccia all’Europa (+25-30% delle vendite per l’Italia).

Enit all'estero, in Puglia è tutto ok

Iniziativa dell'Agenzia dopo gli incendi di qualche giorno fa

“Gargano tutto ok”: l’Enit-Agenzia e la Regione Puglia – anche in seguito alle raccomandazioni del vicepremier Rutelli – hanno avviato uno stretto coordinamento per il monitoraggio tempestivo e la comunicazione all’estero circa il ripristino delle normali attività turistiche nella zona interessata dall’ incendio, per poter correttamente orientare opinione pubblica, stampa, operatori turistici ed agenti di viaggio internazionali.

Gli uffici all’estero dell’Enit-Agenzia, in particolare quelli operanti nei mercati europei, sono stati messi in grado di fornire notizie dettagliate e tranquillizzanti sull’ offerta nell’erogazione dei servizi turistici di un ‘ area, come quella del Gargano che, lambita solo in una minima parte degli oltre 121 mila ettari di vegetazione, continua ad offrire ospitalità e vacanze da sogno, in una delle zone più belle d’Italia.

In particolare dal 7 al 9 agosto a Colonia, per la tradizionale Rassegna fieristica RDA, uno dei più importanti saloni tedeschi dedicati al turismo, specializzata nei bus operator, l’Enit-Agenzia nel corso di una conferenza stampa con l’ Assessore al Turismo della Regione Puglia, Massimo Ostillio, illustrerà alla stampa tedesca e agli operatori turistici, tutte le azioni poste in essere dalla Puglia per garantire un’ accoglienza cordiale e aperta, che non deluderà le aspettative di tutti gli ospiti che hanno prenotato in agosto un periodo di vacanza in questo lembo di terra dell’Italia meridionale.

My Hotels entra in Aica

La catena conta 21 alberghi in Italia e all'estero

My Hotels, azienda nata circa un anno fa dalla volontà di un imprenditore di Parma, Enrico Ceci, e di un gruppo dirigenziale esperto nel settore della ricettività alberghiera, è entrata a far parte di Aica.

La catena, con i suoi 21 alberghi in Italia e all’estero (di cui 14 operativi e 7 di prossima apertura), si è già posizionata tra le principali realtà del comparto ricettivo italiano organizzato in catena.

Via libera della Ue sulla cessione del 49% di Turismo Italia

Andrà a Gabetti, Pirelli Re e Marcegaglia

La cordata formata da Gabetti Property Solutions, Pirelli Real Estate e Marcegaglia ha ottenuto il via libera dalla Ue per l'acquisizione del 49% di Turismo Italia. Il restante 51% resta nelle mani della società pubblica Sviluppo Italia.

Sicilia, il sistema delle imprese private a sostegno della 'Rete dei musei del Mediterraneo'

Per l’autunno la firma di un protocollo d’intesa

Il sistema delle imprese private sosterrà la fase di sviluppo della “Rete dei musei del Mediterraneo” che unisce finora nel sistema multimediale 50 istituzioni e musei marittimi del bacino e che già consente di visitare on line ( una parte delle collezioni esposte. Il vicepresidente di Confindustria e presidente del Comitato Mezzogiorno, Ettore Artioli, e Valeria Patrizia Li Vigni, direttore del Museo regionale Palazzo d’Aumale di Terrasini (capofila del progetto cofinanziato dal Por Sicilia 2000-2006), hanno in programma per l’autunno la firma di un protocollo d’intesa che coinvolgerà le imprese in un processo integrato di sviluppo sostenibile della rete, affinché diventi il primo grande museo virtuale al mondo, capace di generare promozione della cultura e della nuova occupazione nei settori legati al turismo e alle attività del mare. L’accordo con Confindustria Mezzogiorno comprenderà la valorizzazione in chiave economica e turistica delle opportunità proposte dalla rete virtuale e il sostegno ai progetti di selezione e formazione dei giovani che saranno impegnati nel funzionamento della rete.

Il Medioriente investe sul proprio ricettivo alberghiero

Per oltre 3mila miliardi di dollari da qui al 2020

Ammonta ad oltre 3mila miliardi di dollari l'investimento complessivo che il Medioriente effettuerà sul proprio ricettivo alberghiero da qui al 2020. Il dato, diffuso dall'aggiornamento 'Middle East Hotel Outlook 2020' dello studio Global Futures and Foresight (Gff), copre un totale di 13 Paesi dell'area mediorientale e prevede un totale di almeno 600 nuovi hotel. Tra i progetti più ambiziosi quello per l'Iran firmato dalla società Samamous per un valore di 11 miliardi di dollari. Il report mette l'accento sul nuovo corso dell'industria alberghiera che sta diventando sempre più attenta all'innovazione e, al contempo, alla riduzione dell'impatto ambientale. "La ricettività dell'area - specifica il ceo di Gff, David Smith - si sta adeguando alle richieste del turismo internazionale, sempre più attento alle problematiche ambientali".

Accor cede Gemeaz a Barclays

Per 135 milioni di euro

Accor ha ceduto la filiale italiana di ristorazione collettiva Gemeaz Cusin Ristorazione a Barclays Private Equity per 135 milioni di euro.

Daniel John Winteler nuovo presidente di Federturismo Confindustria

Per il prossimo quadriennio 2007-2111

L’Assemblea di Federturismo Confindustria, ha eletto presidente Daniel John Winteler per il prossimo quadriennio 2007-2111. Winteler, presidente e amministratore delegato del Gruppo Alpitour, subentra a Costanzo Jannotti Pecci, giunto alla fine del suo mandato.


L'Ente del turismo cinese boccia gli alberghi dello Yunnan

Con l'avvicinarsi dell'appuntamento olimpico del 2008, la Cina intensifica i controlli sul ricettivo. Nell'ambito del piano nazionale di riclassificazione alberghiera, la China National Tourism Administration ha voluto verificare gli standard di servizio dei 138 hotel classificati con stelle presenti nella provincia dello Yunnan. Ne è risultato che a 27 strutture è stata revocata la classificazione a stelle; 14 sono state retrocesse e 50 sono rimaste aperte con il vincolo di apportare entro la data imposta dalla stessa Cnta le migliorie necessarie a mantenere lo standard assegnato


Farebase signs agreement with Exclusively Hotels for hotel reservations

02 August, 2007

Farebase has signed an agreement with Exclusively Hotels for the supply of its hotel booking service. Exclusively Hotels will provide Farebase with its reservation platform dedicated for travel agents.

Farebase was established in 1989 as a provider of airfares information and over the years has developed into a web-based travel system that gives clients access to online flight booking, low-cost airline search and access to all Farebase suppliers in a user-friendly online booking tool. To expand its service to travel agents Farebase has now signed an agreement with Exclusively Hotels to supply a worldwide hotel booking service. The agreement makes the booking service available to all agents using the Farebase website, approximately 1500 agents daily. Exclusively Hotels currently features over 62,000 properties with guaranteed availability in 3,500 destinations worldwide. Farebase agents will be able to confirm bookings instantly for clients.

Karen Hurdle, Head of Farebase, said, “The Exclusively Hotels system is easy to use, and complements the existing Farebase air travel products. We chose the system because of the depth and breadth of its product range, as well as the ease of use, guaranteed availability and simple pricing."

Exclusively Hotels has unparalleled experience in the online travel agency market. Sales Director Joe Cerdan said, “Exclusively Hotels offers a unique understanding of the market and an excellent product. The agreement between Farebase and Exclusively Hotels means that travel agents can book competitively priced flights and hotels on one website and provide a better and more efficient service to their clients.”

About Exclusively Hotels

Exclusively Hotels provides its partners with a password protected website offering specially negotiated hotel rates not available to the general public. Recognized as an established and quality player in the global market it has a proven track record in working in many different distribution channels. Exclusively Hotels is part of the TotalStayGroup, the parent company of three exciting and innovative online accommodation booking services providing solutions for consumers, partners, and travel agents. Its brands include – Exclusively for Travel Agents TM, – The World of Hotel Deals TM and – The Hotel Shop.

About Farebase

Farebase is the UK’s original and market-leading consolidated fares database. Established in 1989, Farebase is now a web-based travel system, encompassing consolidated and published airfares, charter flights and low-cost carriers. It will continue to develop as more partners and affiliates realize the benefit of working together in a single web site satisfying all the daily needs of the travel industry.

TravelMole Press

How Quantum Physics opens the door to limitless higher levels of guest experience

Aug 02, 07 | 1:58 am

By Peter McAlpine

Quantum physics has opened a door to the possibility of a completely new kind of hotel guest experience that has no limit to its nature. For those willing to move on from the cloneable level of SOP-Customer Satisfaction, by applying basic tenets of quantum physics you can revolutionize the nature of the hotel guest experience and raise it to far higher levels. This article should be of special interest to hotels that call themselves 6-star and 7-star.

The world view on which hotel training and development is based is obsolete, and adhering to it will simply confine a hotel or hotel group to the lower levels of guest experience, however high you may think those levels are. In reality, they are as far up the ladder as the chicken is in the following tale, which I’ve told you before:

“A man found an eagle's egg and put it in a nest of a barnyard hen. The eagle hatched with the brood of chicks and grew up with them. All his life, the eagle did what the barnyard chicks did, thinking he was a barnyard chicken. He scratched the earth for worms and insects. He clucked and cackled, and he would thrash his wings and fly a few feet in the air.

Years passed and the eagle grew very old. One day he saw a magnificent bird above him in the cloudless sky. It glided in graceful majesty among powerful wind currents with scarcely a beat of its strong golden wings.

The old eagle looked up in awe. ‘Who's that?’ he asked. ‘That's the eagle, the king of the birds,’ said his neighbour. ‘He belongs to the sky. We belong to the earth. We're chickens.’

So the eagle lived and died a chicken, for that's what he thought he was.”

It doesn’t matter how good you are at creating the pervasive SOP-Customer Satisfaction experience, your guest experience is still at the level of the chicken compared to what it could be if you applied the tenets of quantum physics. Indeed, there are other new areas of applicable knowledge that can take a hotel guest experience to higher levels, but quantum physics is enough to start with. I find that applying the basic tenets of quantum physics in this article really does create a higher level of guest experience, but I also know that I have only scratched the surface of what is possible.

Quantum physics describes the energy characteristics of the universe. We know from even the most fundamental basis of quantum physics that everything in the entire universe is pure energy (including ourselves), differing only in characteristics, such as the rate of vibration.

Quantum physics also acknowledges the fact that energy is influenced by energy, and that energy attracts in accordance with its unique vibration. This is the very basis of how the Law of Attraction works throughout the universe, and the basis not only for how individuals can create their own reality according to how they wish it to be, but also for how a hotel can create its own unique and uncloneable guest experience at a far higher level than what is commonly available in hotels.

This truth about attraction can easily be demonstrated by means of a pair of tuning forks. If one tuning fork is placed at a distance from the first fork and the first tuning fork is then struck thereby emitting a sound at a certain pitch or frequency, which is in fact vibration, then the second tuning fork some distance away will start to vibrate in harmony, at exactly the same rate of vibration, and the vibrations are attracted to each other accordingly. This is a very simple but observable demonstration of how energy and vibration influence the universe, the life of any individual, and a hotel guest experience.

Let’s build on this now. All thought is energy with unique vibrational characteristics. Every thought has a different (and measurable) frequency and vibration. Whatever you focus your thoughts on, you vibrate, and what you vibrate you attract and create. So if a Waiter thinks, “I’m bored and I want to go home”, his dominant thoughts with their vibrations will attract more of what he doesn’t want and create a dull guest experience. Whatever is going on in his mind is what he is attracting and creating.

We are like magnets, and like attracts like. You become AND attract what you think. Every thought has a frequency and thoughts send out a magnetic energy. Quantum physics has proved that we create things with our thoughts, and if these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad), that speeds up the creation. So, the more feeling the bored Waiter puts into his thoughts, the faster he will attract more boredom and the faster the corresponding dull guest experience will be created.

Conversely, the more the Waiter thinks, “How can I create a truly memorable experience for these guests?” or “How can I show more love and care?”, the faster he will attract and create a correspondingly warm and loving guest experience. His dominant thoughts attract and create the guest experience which is in line with his thoughts.

The secret is therefore to vibrate what you wish to attract and create by “programming” the subconscious mind, which will in turn vibrate and attract what you want. In a hotel, it is therefore important to know how to focus everyone’s thinking in the same direction of a loving, caring, warm, empathetic experience, and to fuel the focus of thought energy with emotion. When you can do this, there is no limit to what your hotel guest experience can become.

Can you see what applying this alone can do to the guest experience; to self-motivation; self-esteem; to increasing revenue; and to solving so many of the everyday staff and operational problems? The secret is knowing how to create the desire in the employees to think in a way that creates the vibrations that attract and create a guest experience that is strong in love, care, warmth, empathy, etc. It is not hard to do when you know how, but you have to abandon, adapt, and change so many of those traditional concepts and approaches that have poured out of corporate offices for years.

Another very important aspect of quantum physics is “quantum potential”, describing how everything already “potentially” exists in the universe. Everything that exists now, everything that ever existed and ever will exist in the future already exists at least at the quantum potential level. It is actually the process of thought, i.e. focusing your thoughts on something, that will cause this “quantum potential” to shift into “quantum reality” where you can physically experience it. This not only has huge consequences for one’s own life, but also for the guest experience and financial success of a hotel.

Many hoteliers think that they can create a truly memorable guest experience throughout the hotel either by lavishing the place with luxury; or by installing the latest technology; or by training and retraining knowledge and skills, and providing the usual kind of customer service training; or by doing all three. Quantum physics shows that these are only a minor part of creating an extraordinary guest experience, not a major part. Instinctively, hoteliers must know that this approach will only enable them to hit the ceiling of the SOP-Customer Satisfaction level of guest experience beyond which they cannot go. You cannot make a quantum leap to higher levels using old ideas. This is important for the 6-star and 7-star hotels to take note of.

So much of creating a truly memorable guest experience depends on focusing and aligning the thought energy of the employees on a shared vision of the guest experience, and not just on perfecting job knowledge and skills, or on “redefining efficiency” as one hotel group likes to put it, although these elements are important too. When a hotel learns how to do this, it will discover that it does not matter how impossible and outrageously idealistic the vision of the guest experience is, it can create it, and more easily than one might think.

If you think about it, by applying even just these basic tenets of quantum physics hotels will eventually bring about the demise of the cloneable hotel experience except in certain niche areas where it may be useful, but these areas will most definitely NOT include luxury resorts, spas, wellness centres, and other markets where the guest experience touches the heart.

This is good news for the independent hotels as they will be able to create a guest experience that the chains will most probably not be able to owing to their structure. The guest experience of independent hotels will only be limited by their imagination. In the words of Albert Einstein, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” Sir Winston Churchill put it like this, “You create your own universe as you go along.” Also, although traditionalists won’t like to hear it, it creates the justifiable future possibility of grades above 5-stars.

How do you start to create the focus of thought? To go into detail will make this article too long, but here is the starting point. Since you can create anything that you focus your thoughts on, start off by creating an outrageously impossible, “never-been-done-before”, hotel-wide shared vision for the kind of guest experience that you all want to create. For goodness sakes, though, tear up the politically correct, legally proper, mission / vision statement that has been passed down to you. If you’re not allowed to tear it up, keep it posted on the walls to protect the walls from dust (staff usually don’t read it anyway), and create your own impossible mission / vision statement.

Following the principles above, if you create the following traditional kind of vision for your hotel, and focus thought energy towards it, then you will attract and create a corresponding very Normalville-kind of guest experience:

“To become the best investment for the shareholders. To offer the best service for the customers. To be the best employer for the employees.”

This stands in stark contrast to what the Princess D’Annam, Vietnam is able to attract and create as these sections of their mission / vision statement show:


We exist to create a truly memorable, luxurious, Vietnamese hospitality experience, which fulfills the innermost dreams of our guests, and makes the guests feel like they are in heaven.

The Overall Goal

Staying at the resort is a luxurious, relaxing, and totally unforgettable experience. Guests say: “I have never felt so much love and care before.”; “This is how I imagine heaven to be.”; “I feel revitalized.”; “I have never experienced anything as wonderful as this before.”

The Guest Experience

The loving care is extraordinary and touches the heart of every guest. The guests wish that time would stop so that they can enjoy the dream-fulfilling experience for ever.

Quantum physics has proven beyond doubt that anything can only come into existence when the mind is focused upon it, thereby influencing the “quanta” that constitute the conscious, intelligent energy field in which we all have our being. We are all creating all the time by focusing our thoughts at some level, thereby influencing quanta of energy to attract to us whatever we focus on.

Unfortunately, so many people focus on the wrong things, such as lack or on what is wrong or on what they do not like, and as a direct result attract and create more of the same. The key is to focus only on those things that you wish to attract into your experiential reality or guest experience. Indeed, there are no limits to what you can attract into your life or into the hotel guest experience, providing that you have the means and tools to focus your own thoughts and the thoughts of your employees accordingly. That is why the hotel guest experience can be revolutionized.

Hotels that call themselves 6-star and 7-star should bear this in mind. The best way for them to justify their star rating and to silence the critics is to apply the basic tenets of quantum physics to focus thinking throughout the hotel on creating a guest experience that does not exist at the 5-star level. The good news is that it can be done.

Remember what Einstein said: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” If your guest experience is ordinary, then bear the following in mind. It is a reflection of the combined past thoughts of the team and others involved in creating it. Since you attract to you what you think about most, it is easy to see what the dominant thoughts of the employees have been.

When you know the tools to apply these basic tenets of quantum physics to create in your employees a strong desire to focus the energy of their thinking on such a vision on a continuous basis, the employees will discover a seemingly limitless source of inner motivation, and you will create a guest experience, “… which fulfills the innermost dreams of (your) guests, and make the guests feel like they are in heaven”. As a result, your hotel will be much sought after.


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